But this melancholic approach – serious themes, stoned demeanour – seems a smart way to reposition himself. What does the Album cover art mean for This Old Dog Doing an English assignment about This Old Dog, trying to decifer the meaning of the Cover art, really the only thing I can understand on it, is the song names spread across it, and Macs height on the top right, everything else seems like complete gibberish. There’s undeniably a bid for respectability going on here – DeMarco once famously performed with a drumstick up his bum, which is a reputation that takes some shedding. The album ends with Watching Him Fade Away, in which even woozier organs help relay the complex feelings of losing someone you dislike yet are inextricably bound to (“Haven’t got the guts to call him up / Walk around as if you never cared in the first place.”). Opening track My Old Man expresses his growing fear, over acoustic guitar and reverb-drenched organ, of seeing his dad when he looks in the mirror. This Old Dog On This Old Dog, DeMarco highlights his unceasing love for someone, while also touching upon the theme of aging.
But his musical take on their relationship – which dominates his third full-length album – is more nuanced.
On the Level is structured as an entreaty from a father for his son to make. When he looks in the mirror and sees more of his old man in him, we know he’s not just talking about the lines on his face.
When it comes to his relationship with his father, Mac DeMarco has decided not to sit on the fence: “ He’s kind of a piece of shit,” was one recent verdict on the man who walked out on him when he was four. This Old Dog ’s opening My Old Man confirms what fans might have long guessed: DeMarco’s worried about turning into his dad.